Goose flapping its wings.
Goosey's Garden

The Life of My Pet Goose

Goose with chicken
Goose under a tree with chickens

Spring Gosling

This spring, Goosey was added to the family, and family Goosey became! Little did I know how much my pet Goosey would grow on me with all of his honks and waddles. When Goosey was a gosling, I would give him baths in our tub and feed him lots of grass. Now, Goosey enjoys frolicking in the wildflowers with his chickens. Getting a pet goose was one of the best additions to my home that I could have ever made. Goosey has made life quite fun and exciting around here.

Why a Goose?

You might be thinking… why a goose of all things? Well, I will tell you. I was having a difficult time keeping the hawks away from our chickens. Keep in mind, our chickens are free-ranged and we allow them to wander wherever they please. I tried many things to keep them away, but nothing was working. I had heard that geese are very good at protecting chickens from predators. This is when I decided that a pet goose would be the perfect “mother-hen” as you might say!

Goosey is an American Buff Goose. While I do call Goosey a “he,” I am not quite certain that is what Goosey is. It’s very hard to tell with geese what their genders are. I guess if I find a giant egg out in the coop one day, I will be mistaken! Fun fact, American Buff Geese lay 10 to 25 large white eggs a year. Getting Goosey was a very good choice. Now that Goosey is all grown up, he is very majestic. Goosey does a great job protecting the hens and is always keeping them safe. Before I got my goose, I never knew how fun and entertaining a goose could be.

Gosling in the bath tub

If You Are:

  • an animal lover
  • currently living on land with lots of grass
  • in need of a chicken protector
  • in need of a friend
  • would like an all natural weed eater around your house
  • a gardener who loves company

Then take my advice and get yourself a pet goose!!!

Read more about American Buff Geese.

American Buff Goose flapping its wings.

Grace Sattelmaier

Grace Elizabeth is my name. I am a 20 year old girl, living in an old country farmhouse where, outside of my lavender walls, chickens roam, horses run, and tall oak trees wave in the wind. I live and love the cottage/shabby-chic lifestyle, enjoying each day one at a time. Some of my favorite things are flowers, animals, music, books, baking, and crafting. On my blog, I hope to inspire you to take pleasure in simple life and create your own path in a unique way. God created you to be creative! So, I encourage you to use your skills that your creator gave you, and use them to make the world a better place. Life is short, make it sweet.

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